Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Cutest Time of the Year

Easter pretty much is the high-water mark for the cute-esque all year. I thought I'd share what our dining room looked like last Sunday:

Hope your Bunny-day was as fun and charming as ours!


Rachel L. said...

Oh that is so cute!

PS. You should do a golfing guinea. ;)

DJ EZ Reader said...

Hey Rach, stay tuned...

eli said...

mostly a menagerie of many manatees!

i dunno, i had to alliterate [i]something[/i]...

those little yellow chickens are sweet, too.

eli said...

i also failed to do italics correctly...

Gabriel said...

This picture has filled me with glee and happiness. Thanks Buddy! (I have been in this middle school funk lately.) Muffin combustion comics coming soon!